“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
This is the launch post of my new website, finally using my own name. It’s something I’m reeeeally excited about. I waited far too long to do it and had to learn a lot to get here.
The last seven years have been a wild and amazing journey in my life. I wondered back then what the hell I was doing as I turned my life upside down in a painful way. I only knew that I had to, so I did, but I had absolutely no idea what to do next.
I love looking back now and being able to connect the dots. Seeing how other people are happier, I’m happier and all the stops along the way that brought me right here. Seeing and doing so many things that I only dreamed of before.
I couldn’t have known it then, but burying myself in my creative pursuits was probably the best thing I could have done. Learning to see differently while creating my photos also helped me see things differently in my life. Coming back to writing after so many years away was like a life-affirming hug from an old friend who understands you like no one else. We’ll never part ways again. These are the things that have sustained me, along with incredible friends that stuck by me and understood. (You know who you are!)
Now I find myself here with photography front & center in my life. Teaching others and creating my best work yet. Feet firmly on the ground knowing where I’m going now and what to do next. With this new website, finally owning my work under my own name.
I love knowing that the dots all lead us to exactly where we should be at exactly the right time… The universe always has a way of bringing things around full circle, sometimes when you least expect it.